
2020-11-07 - Monmouth County - Holmdel - Yarn Bee @ Longstreet Farm

Yarn Bee Historic Longstreet Farm 44 Longstreet Road, Holmdel 07733 Saturday, November 7, 2020, 12:00-2:30 PM (ages 10 and up) Whether starting a new hobby or working on an old project, all are welcome to this gathering! The relaxed atmosphere of this group means no pressure - you can knit or crochet at your own pace, and farm staff will be on-hand to assist those wanting to learn a new skill. Cost: $5.00 Per Person, Per Session (cash or check only)

2020-11-07 - New Jersey - Online - Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I A Woman, Portrayed by Dr. Daisy Century

  Saturday, November 7 -- Virtual Plainfield Public Library and the  Historical Society of Plainfield / Drake House Museum  Present:   Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I A Woman, Portrayed by Dr. Daisy Century 10:30 to 11:30 am via Zoom Presented by The American Historical Theater Company Dr. Daisy Century gives a commanding performance of Ms. Truth, bringing to life a woman undeterred by incredible obstacles, a woman who mixed with the leading figures of her day, including Susan B. Anthony, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. Audience members are urged to consider the twin goals of racial and gender parity of equal importance. This program is funded in part by a Union County HEART (History, Education, Arts Reaching Thousands) Grant from the Board of Chosen Freeholders. This is a FREE VIRTUAL program. Email  or  for details. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED:

2020-11-07 - Monmouth County - Farmingdale - Christmas and Holiday Craft Show @ Allaire

  Saturday, November 7  - Farmingdale, Monmouth County Christmas and Holiday Craft Show Come to Allaire Village on Saturday between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm for a Christmas and Holiday Craft Show. ADMISSION TICKETS MUST BE PRE-PURCHASED PRIOR TO THE EVENT! NO EXCEPTIONS. A limited quantity of tickets will be available. Over 80 crafters, Allaire artisans, floral exhibits, historic demonstrations, and more to kick off the holiday season in style! Join us for our Christmas and Holiday Craft Show and Historic Demonstrations throughout the village. Local artists will be demonstrating their work. Paintings, pottery, textiles and more! We will have craft demonstrations at the Carpenter, Blacksmith, and Tinsmith shops! General Store, Bakery, Food Truck - Pilsen Gourmet will be open throughout the day! Admission is $5 per person, 6 years old and up. All proceeds of the day to benefit the educational programming at the Historic Village at Allaire! RULES FOR THE EVENT IN LIGHT OF C...

2020-11-07 - Mercer County - Hopewell Twp - Cider Making @ Howell Living History Farm

  Saturday, November 7 - Hopewell Township, Mercer County Cider Making Fresh apple cider awaits those who help make it! To earn a taste, all you have to do is turn the crank of the cider press...and then help re-fill the hopper with the Macs, Cortlands, and Red Delicious apples that make for a perfect blend. In the farmhouse kitchen, apple pie is in the oven and applesauce is on the stove. This event runs from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. **Please note that fall 2020 Saturday programs will be modified to encourage social distancing and reflect current State guidelines for public events. Visitors are required to carry masks at all times, and wear them when social distancing isn't possible. Howell Living Farm represents typical farm life between 1890 and 1910. The farm is operated by the Mercer County Parks Commission. It is located at 70 Wooden's Lane, Lambertville, NJ. For more information. call 609-737-3299 or visit .

2020-11-07 - Hunterdon County - Oldwick - Tewksbury Historical Society Tag Sales

    Saturday, November 7 -- Hunterdon County   The Tewksbury Historical Society will hold Tag Sales on Saturdays, Oct. 17, and Nov. 7, 8 AM -4 PM, at the Oldwick Carriage House, 5 James St., Oldwick, 08858. Sales will be held rain or shine.  The society will sell quality items, which are very clean and in working operation. Antiques, furniture, china, dishes, housewares, garden items, costume jewelry, and linens will be among the available merchandise. In compliance with COVID-19 restrictions, Social Distancing will be observed, and patrons and staff must wear face coverings.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions donations will be accepted on a limited basis by appointment only at the Carriage House on a Saturday in October.  To reserve a Donation Time Slot and to get details regarding acceptable items and donation procedures call 908-832-6734 and leave your name and number. Someone will return your call.  Please be aware that all...

2020-11-05 - New Jersey - Online - 2020 Vision: A Virtual Night Celebrating History & Education

  There is still time to register for METC's Benefit  “2020 Vision” .  Many of you have already shown your support for METC with your generous sponsorships and ticket purchases for our Virtual Benefit on  Thursday, November 5  and we thank you!   We wish we could all be together again this year, celebrating METC as a vibrant community resource that has been creating innovative learning experiences for half a century. If you   have not purchased your tickets yet, there is still time to join us for this virtual party!!   Yes, these are difficult times for us all, but we believe we still have much to be thankful for.  We are thankful to all our board and staff who continued to work through these challenges  to keep METC going.  We are thankful to the teachers, parents and families who connected with us remotely, finding excellent educational content on METC’s website.  We are thankful for the technology th...

2020-11-05 - New Jersey - Online - "Lauzun's Legion: The Extraordinary Voluntaires-Estranger De Luzon"

  Date And Time Thu, November 5, 2020 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST The raucous French volunteer troops who marched to Yorktown in1781. How did they pull off their part at the siege of Yorktown? Liberty! About this Event The  After Dinner Hour Conversations  starts with moderator Jim Johnson, Ph.D. guiding guests, Robert Selig, Ph.D. and Bob Capps, M.S. in a light-hearted colloquy about one of the best known group of Revolutionary War French troops, Lauzun's Legion. How does a person today reflect on their ancestor who was a Lauzun Legionnaire and stayed in the US after the war to leave a proud legacy? Where will the conversation lead that uncovers some of the rowdy antics of these lively troops? Join W3R-US for this fun Got-To-Meeting virtual event to find out! W3R-US non-member friends ,  your donation for this event is appreciated  and will be used to support the research and commemoration of the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route story.  W3R-US members e...

2020-11-05 - NewJersey - Online-Sourland Mountain and American Indians: A Hidden Story with Ian Burrow

Thursday, November 5 -- Virtual 7:00 p.m.  Sourland Mountain and American Indians: A Hidden Story with Ian Burrow American Indians have been in the Sourlands for at least 8000 years, but it can seem as if they left little evidence of their life here. Recent re-examination of artifact collections, new historical research, and archaeological surveys on the mountain itself are beginning to change that picture.  Local archaeologist and historian Ian Burrow will talk about what we know and don't know, about Indigenous people on and around the Mountain. If you have Indian artifacts you'd like to know more about, bring them to the Zoom meeting! Sign up via

2020-11-04 - Monmouth County - Aberdeen - Awesome Autumn Amble @ Freneau Woods

Awesome Autumn Amble   Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 10-11:30 AM Freneau Woods Visitor Center Parking Area 360 Monastary Lane, Aberdeen Township, NJ 07747  (all ages, under 18 with adult) Autumn is the time of year our parks become a kaleidoscope of color! Explore our trails with a Park System Naturalist as we discuss all manners of plant and animal phenomena. Please Note: Sturdy footwear is recommended, trails used may have inclines or tree roots to step over.

2020-11-01 - Morris County - Oak Ridge - The Jefferson Township Museum, also known as the George Chamberlain House, will have an open house on Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday, November 1 -- Morris County The Jefferson Township Museum, also known as the George Chamberlain House, will have an open house on Sunday, November 1, 2020,  from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free. Jefferson Historical Society officers and costumed docents will be present to ensure the safety of our guests.  Masks will be required and social distancing protocols will be followed.  This Open House will feature  a display and artifacts from the second part of the History of the Township through its founding families . Local historians will be on hand to answer questions about this integral part of the township history. Museum docents will also be available to facilitate your tour of the building and grounds. The Museum is located at 315 Dover-Milton Road, Jefferson Township. Be sure to visit Miss Elizabeth’s Shoppe in the basement, which was the original kitchen of the house. The Shoppe is packed full of beautiful unique items for sale at unbelie...

2020-11-01 - Monmouth County - Lincroft - Open Ceramics @ Thompson Park Creative Arts Center

Open Ceramics Thompson Park Creative Arts Center 805 Newman Springs Rd, Lincroft, NJ 07738 Sunday, November 1, 2020, 12:30-4:30 PM Choose from a large selection of bisque fired pottery pieces to glaze and make your own. Come for an hour or two, alone or with friends, and let your creative juices flow. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Leave your piece with us and we will have it fired in about a week. Cost: $6 per hour plus the cost of bisque-ware (cash or check only) For further information please contact Christina Carlson at 732-842-4000, ext. 4343, or

2020-10-03 to 2020-11-01 - Hudson County - Hoboken - “Hoboken Tempest” Paintings by Ray Guzman [Tuesday through Sunday]

  “Hoboken Tempest” Paintings by Ray Guzman October 3 - November 1, 2020 In 1979, young Ray Guzman was living an artist’s life in Jersey City Heights, in a top-floor apartment on Ogden Avenue at Congress, with sweeping views of Hoboken and the big city beyond it. Having finished an art degree with honors at New York’s School of Visual Arts and fellowships with master printmakers in New York, Ray was creating art constantly, with enough part-time jobs and graphic design gigs to keep himself and his wife Renata afloat.  Little did he suspect that a trip one night down the Palisades into Hoboken to hear his friend Julio Fernandez perform would change his life’s direction. On the way to the gig, Ray met a young Frank Raia, who happened to own the club where Julio was playing, and he convinced Ray and Renata to move to Hoboken for the thriving arts and music scene. By the next month, the young couple had moved to Hoboken and soon found a studio for his fledgling commercial art busi...